
Mighty Mississippi - Save $3.50 on this Beautiful 2022 Sheet

The Mississippi River is often called America's backbone, heart, and soul. The traditional division between the eastern and western United States, it also serves as a major highway, transporting more than 175 million tons of freight every year. From its small stream origin in northern Minnesota to the levees of the Mississippi Delta of Louisiana and Mississippi, the river expands in size over its 2300 mile length. Each stamp in this set represents the ten states that the river passes through on its way to the Gulf of Mexico, illustrating the history and beauty found along the river. A map printed on the back of the sheet follows the Mississippi's course from the Canadian border to the Gulf of Mexico. (US #5698)

Mighty Mississippi Mint Sheet of 10 Regularly $27.50
Online Special Only $24.00

Regularly $27.50 Special $24.00