#5708 - Pete Seeger

Pete Seeger (1919-2014) was an American folk singer and life-long political activist who believed in the unique power of people banding together to sing songs to address social causes and raise awareness for many issues. Seeger helped make the traditional song "We Shall Overcome" the anthem for the civil rights movement, playing it throughout his career. Seeger's sing-along concerts were a mixture of traditional songs and his originals such as "If I Had a Hammer" and "Turn! Turn! Turn!" became hits for other artists, including Peter, Paul, and Mary and The Byrds. During his long career, the charismatic and idealistic performer became a folk hero to many generations of fans. The stamp was issued at a ceremony during the 2022 Newport Folk Festival. Seeger was a performer and teacher at the festival and served as a festival board member for many years. Scott 5708 Pete Seeger
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