
Old 1898 U.S. Plate Strip - Mint Never-Hinged Strip of 3

Save Over 50% on this Mint Never Hinged 1898 Issue!

In the early days of stamp collecting, collectors preferred to save plate imprints in strips of 3 stamps, including the plate number and printer's inscription. All U.S. stamps at that time were printed by the flat plate method, and the plate numbers were placed in the horizontal or vertical margins near the middle stamps in the sheet. It wasn't until the Post Office switched to rotary press printing in the 1920s that the plate number moved to the corner of the sheet and collectors then began saving plate blocks of 4 stamps.

We recently purchased an old dealer's stock of mint never-hinged plate strips of the 1898 2-cent Washington type IV, Scott #279B. Because of this fortunate purchase, we are able to offer this century-old plate strip of 3 - including the plate number and Bureau of Engraving and Printing imprint - at a savings of over 50% off its $85 catalog value!

U.S. #279B mint never-hinged plate strip - Save $43
Kenmore online special only $42.00

Regularly $85.00 Special $42.00
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