
France #93 Peace & Commerce - 1878 25c Issue - Save 50%

Save $12.50 off this beautiful 1878 French classic - nearly 150 years old!

Introduced in 1876, this long-running series is known as the "Peace and Commerce" issue with the allegorical figures of Peace (left) and Commerce (right) clasping hands over a globe.  Collectors refer to it as the "Type Sage" series after its designer, Jules-Auguste Sage.  One of the most visually striking of this series is the 1878 25-centime value printed in black on bright red paper, issued to pay the rate for foreign letters (#93).  It was in use for less than a year before it was replaced by the same denomination in a different color.  In mint condition, this scarce stamp sells for over $1000!

France #93 Used - Regularly $25.00
Online Special Only $12.50

Regularly $25.00 Special $12.50