Marsh Is.#255 Mers El Kebir - 1990 Imperforate Mint Issue

July 3, 1940 While the French Army had surrendered to the Germans, the French Navy (fourth largest in the world) remained undefeated. On June 19, Britain requested that the Vichy government allow the French fleet to sail for British ports to prevent Germany from commandeering France's warships. French commander Admiral Darlan did not trust the British intentions and ordered his fleet, including those in British ports, to sail for bases in North Africa. Britain refused to allow the French vessels to leave and opted to seize or eliminate the French fleet. In the early morning hours of July 3, Operation Catapult began in the British ports with minor French and British casualties. Tragically, in the port of Oran, Algeria (Mers-el-Kebir), the French Admiral Gensoul responded to the British ultimatum by declaring he would meet force with force. The British attacked and in less than 10 minutes four French warships had been destroyed with almost 1,300 sailors killed by their British allies. Eventually sailors of the Free French and Allied navies would man these captured warships against the Nazis.

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