
2¢ Founding of Jamestown - Save 40% off our Regular Price!

Founded by a group of 120 pioneers in 1607 in what is now Virginia, Jamestown was the first permanent English colony in the New World.  It is also noteworthy as the first British colony anywhere.  After a rough start, its eventual success led to the founding of the Royal Colony of Virginia.  The 1907 Jamestown Exposition celebrated the founding of Jamestown and showcased American advances in technology, military might and the arts to the world.

While this 116-year-old unused 2¢ issue picturing the landing of the founders at Jamestown may have minor imperfections such as disturbed gum, a bend or a straight edge, it will be a welcome addition to your collection - and you can save $18 off our regular price!  And as always, your satisfaction is guaranteed. (US #329)

2¢ Unused Founding of Jamestown with minor faults - regularly $40.00
Kenmore Online Special Only $24.00

Regularly $40.00 Special $24.00
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